The Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) Annual Conference will be held virtually in 2020 (sessions in Eastern Time), bringing together thousands of science and technology center and museum and allied professionals working in science communication, STEM learning, and the broader intersections between science, technology, and society.
With the theme of "New Frontiers in Science, Technology, Learning, and Community Engagement toward a more Equitable Tomorrow", ASTC's virtual conference will explore the future of our institutions, our work, and our impact in our communities. It will specifically look through the lens of overlapping public health, economic, and moral crises and the implications they have for work, organisations, and communities.
Call for papers: Passed
Price: 199 USD (Non-ASTC member regular fee); 149 USD (ASTC member regular fee); 99 USD (Discounted non-ASTC member fee); 49 USD (Discounted ASTC member fee)