The 6th UNESCO UNITWIN Conference will be held in 2019 in Leuven, Belgium.
The theme of the conference will be "Value of heritage for tourism". Topics covered will include the economic value of heritage for tourism; tourism contributing to heritage conservation; heritage conservation contributing to tourism; managing the gap between use value and exchange value; host-guest alliances in view of heritage conservation; sustainability of heritage tourism products; UNESCO world heritage recognition; heritage labels and tourism development; good management practices at touristic heritage sites; valorisation of heritage through learning; valorisation of heritage for identity, empathy, and citizenship development; and contribution of heritage to meanings and memories, and sense of place.
Call for papers: Passed
Price: 350 EUR (Full registration); 230 EUR (UNITWIN members full registration); 120 EUR (Doctoral students full registration); 70 EUR (Tourism Master students full registration)
Twitter: #unitwin