"Ensuring Intellectual Property Rights in a Digital Age: Discussing the new EU Copyright Reforms Package" will take place on 24th January 2019 in Brussels.
With the new EU copyright reforms proposed by the European Commission (including a new Regulation and Copyright Directive), this timely international symposium will provide an invaluable opportunity for key stakeholders within the public and private sector to engage into the debate on future EU copyright reforms. Stakeholders will discuss how the EU can ensure an effective single market in the area of copyright and strike for the right balance between the creator and consumers, the protection of right holders, while facilitating access to digital services across EU borders for citizens and businesses.
Call for papers: Passed
Price: 316 EUR (Early Bird registration for National Governmental Organisations and Executive Agencies); 276 EUR (Early Bird registration for local/regional authorities, universities, trade unions, and think tanks); 236 EUR (Early Bird registration for NGOs)